为研究西藏拉萨市林周县虎头山水库春季藻类群落结构特征与水体环境因子间的关系,于2015年5月在虎头山水库设置了六个采样点,用活体观察法鉴定藻类物种,并用直接计数法统计藻类的数量。共鉴定出183种藻类,隶属于8门10纲22目30科51属,其中双壳缝目49种,占26.78%,为优势类群;无壳缝目25种,占13.66%,为次优势类群;气球藻目1种,占0.55%,为罕见类群,其余为常见类群。优势种有简单舟形藻(Navicula simplex)、针状蓝纤维藻(Dactylococcopsis acicularis)、尖针杆藻(Synedra acus)、放射舟形藻(Navicula radiosa)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)、颤丝藻(Ulotrix osillarina)。结果表明,该水库藻类物种丰富,群落结构复杂,各采样点的藻类,相似度低,具有局部地域性和小环境的特征。藻类群落结构参数与水体理化因子间的相关性表明,水体理化因子与藻类群落组成无相关性。
This study was carried out in order to examining characteristics of algae community structure and rela-tionship between that and water physicochemical factors in Hutoushan reservoir. All together 6 samples were col-lected in the reservoir in May 2015. In vivo microscopic observation was applied for algae species identification.The number of algae species was counted by direct counting method. A total of 183 species were indentified,which belonging to 51 genera, 30 families, 22 orders, 10 classes and 8 phyla. There were 49 species of Biraphidi-nales, accounting for 26.78% of the total, as the dominant groups and, 25 species of Araphidiales, accounting for13.66% of the total, as the secondary dominant groups. There were 1 species of Botrydiales Ettle, accounting on-ly for 0.55% of the total, it was the rare group. The rest species were common groups. The results showed that thealgae species in the reservoir was highly rich and the community structure was complex, however, with signifi-cant differences between individual sampling sites. Correlation analysis between the community parameters andwater physicochemical factors indicated that there was no correlation between these factors.
Hutoushan reservoir
Species diversity
Environmental factors