

The Successful Experience and Enlightenment of Foreign Development of Low Carbon Economy
摘要 工业革命以来世界经济获得前所未有的快速发展,但与此同时环境污染也日益严重。当前世界很多国家都意识到了发展低碳经济的重要性和紧迫性,低碳经济已经成为各国重点发展的领域。丹麦高度重视发展新能源和低碳节能建筑;英国将发展低碳经济作为国家的发展战略,发布了低碳经济的战略蓝图;德国将低碳制造和新能源作为国家应对未来残酷竞争的重要砝码;日本擅长发展循环经济,民众环保意识强。这些国家为我们提供了发展低碳经济四个方面的重要启示:完善立法保障、增强财税支持、完善市场体系和发挥本国优势。 Since the industrial revolution, the world economy has been developing rapidly, but at the same time, the environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. At present, many countries in the world are aware of the importance and urgency of developing low-carbon economy, low-carbon economy has become the focus of the development of various countries. Denmark attaches great importance to the development of new energy and low car- bon energy saving building. Britain takes developing a low-carbon economy as the national development strategy, and has released a strategic blueprint for low-carbon economy. Germany takes the low carbon manufacturing and new energy as the two most important aspects which can help the country to deal with the future brutal competition. Japan is good at developing circular economy, and people~ environmental protection consciousness is strong. These countries have provided us with the important inspiration for the development of low-carbon economy in four as- pects: improve the legislative protection, enhanced fiscal support, improve the market system, and exert their own advantages.
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2015年第6期68-74,共7页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
基金 国家社科青年基金项目(14CJY038) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目(13YBB064) 湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目(14B048)
关键词 低碳经济 成功经验 启示 low carbon economy successful experience enlightenment
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