俗话说"不怕不识货,就怕货比货"。一本书怎么样,拿同类的书比较一下就知道了。伦福儒和巴恩的著作并不是最早的,更不是唯一的。流行的考古学教材中,Fagan著作的Archaeology:A Brief Introduction,迄今已经出到了第九版(2005年),Thomas所著的教材早到1989年已经出到第二版了。伦福儒和巴恩的书1991年才出第一版,但是它后来居上,很快成了英美最流行的考古学教材,到2004已经是第四版了。
Renfrew and Bahn contribute a classic text to the education of contemporary archaeology. Comparing with several other texts,it is not difficult for us to recognize its advantages such as excellent insight,beautiful writing as well as perfect editing.However,this book must be regar- ded more as an extravagant guide to archaeology instead of a real text.Its processual and positiv- ist perspective show some contradicts in the introduction to post-processual views.After recom- mended by several Chinese excellent archaeologists,in the end,this book has been published in China.The translation to Chinese will no doubt significantly influence the development of Chinese archaeology in the future,since this kind of work had never been done before.The organizer of this work invited best Chinese translators who knew well both western archaeology and English in the world.In the review,some mistakes in translation are rectified as the compensation for the work.
Research of China's Frontier Archaeology