We examined the correlation between the ROSAT Hardness Ratio 1 and Count Rates eight Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLSls) and 14 Broad-line Seyfertl Galaxies (BLSls). We found that six of the NLSls show a positive HR1-CTs correlation, and seven of the BLSls, a negative correlation. The other two NLSls and seven BLSls do not show any clear HR1-CTs correlation. Thus, the spectral behavior is statistically different for the NLSls and BLSls. The different behaviors can possibly be interpreted in terms of a stable 'soft excess' that is strong in NLSls and weak in BLSls, plus a power law component, common to both, which softens with increasing flux.
We examined the correlation between the ROSAT Hardness Ratio 1 and Count Rates eight Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLSls) and 14 Broad-line Seyfertl Galaxies (BLSls). We found that six of the NLSls show a positive HR1-CTs correlation, and seven of the BLSls, a negative correlation. The other two NLSls and seven BLSls do not show any clear HR1-CTs correlation. Thus, the spectral behavior is statistically different for the NLSls and BLSls. The different behaviors can possibly be interpreted in terms of a stable 'soft excess' that is strong in NLSls and weak in BLSls, plus a power law component, common to both, which softens with increasing flux.