The supplier is the source of the entire supply chain, and it is the input of en- terprise manufacturing resources. Thus, supplier selection is the foundation of a business operation.Supplier evaluation is the keystone of the Supply Chain management, evaluation of suppliers will largely determine whether the smooth operation of the supply chain and oper- ating performance. BP neural network method can avoid the limitations of the traditional methods and subjective arbitrariness of expert evaluation .It can make the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis combination effectively, the evaluation result of the supplier objec- tivity. But BP algorithm also has disadvantages, such as long training time, easily trapped into local minima. In this paper, we design a algorithm with principal component analysis, particle swarm optimization algorithm and BP neural network . By analysis the convergence of the algorithm and numerical simulation experiments we can see that the new algorithm has well application ability, and compared with the BP algorithm, it has small errors and short training time. So the new algorithm for resolve the supplier evaluation problem is valid.
Mathematics in Practice and Theory
BP neural network
principal component analysis
particle swarm optimizationalgorithm