目的:分析2型糖尿病住院费用构成及其变化情况,探究影响其住院费用的主要因素。方法:选择2011-2014年山东省某三甲医院病案资料,利用秩和检验和多重线性回归等统计方法,对出院诊断码为2型糖尿病的6 016例患者的病例信息进行分析。结果:2型糖尿病住院患者的数量逐年攀升,但年龄逐年降低;2011-2014年2型糖尿病的住院费用构成中,药费占到一半以上,2012年住院费用水平总体偏高;患者的住院天数、年龄、性别、支付方式等是影响住院费用的主要因素。结论:控制2型糖尿病住院费用应从减少住院天数、加强高危人群健康教育以及推进医疗保险制度改革等方面着手。
Objective To analyze the structure and change trend of hospitalization expenditure for type 2 diabetes,and to explore its main influence factors. Methods The information of medical records for type 2 diabetes from 2011 to 2014 was extracted from a tertiary hospital of Shandong province,and rank sum test,multiple linear regression were used to analyze the data about 6 016 cases of type 2 diabetes. Results The expenditure of type 2 diabetes was increasing year by year, and the average age was decreasing year by year. From 2011 to 2014, medicine expenditure accounted for more than one half of the total hospitalization expenditure, and the total hospitalization expenditure in 2012 was the highest of the four years. The hospitalization days, age, gender, and payment methods were the main influence factors for hospital- ization expenditure of type 2 diabetes. Conclusions Reducing hospitalization days, strengthening health education for high--risk population,and promoting the reform of medical insurance system should be conducted to control the hospi- talization expenditure of type 2 diabetes.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
type 2 diabetes
influence factor
hospitalization expenditure