目的了解鞍山市高危人群的艾滋病知识行为及感染情况,为艾滋病综合防治、制定干预策略提供科学依据。方法采用连续抽样调查的方法,对暗娼、男男性行为者(men who have sex with men,MSM)、吸毒者、性病门诊男性就诊者进行问卷调查和血清学检测。结果 2014年共监测4类人群2803人。MSM和性病门诊男性就诊者的HIV阳性检出率分别6.48%、0.63%,暗娼和吸毒者未检出阳性。暗娼最近1个月商业性行为时坚持使用安全套的比例为87.17%,M SM最近6个月与同性肛交时坚持使用安全套的比例为72.25%,吸毒者最近1个月共用针具的比例为4.94%、最近一年发生商业性行为时坚持使用安全套的比例为3.39%,性病门诊男性就诊者最近3个月与暗娼发生性行为的比例为23.88%。结论高危人群感染艾滋病的危险因素仍然广泛存在,MSM人群的HIV阳性检出率处于较高水平,迫切需要加强高危人群的宣传教育和行为干预,防止艾滋病从高危人群向一般人群蔓延。
[Objective To know HIV/AIDS related knowledge, behavior and infectious status among high-risk popula- tions, and provide basis for AIDS prevention and intervention strategies development. Methods Cross-sectional sentinel surveys were conducted repeatedly with questionnaire survey and serological surveillance among female sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with men( MSM), drug users (DUS), male patients of sexual transmitted disease(STD). Results A total of 2803 sub- jects were surveyed in 2014 as four high-risk populations, HIV antibody positive rate was 6. 48 % in MSM, and 0. 63 % in STD while no detection in FSW and DUS. The proportion of consistent condom use in commercial sex durning the last month in FSW was 87.17% ,The proportion of consistent condom use in anal sex during the last six month in MSM was 72. 25% ,The propor- tion of needle sharing during the last month in DUS was 4. 94%, The proportion of consistent condom use in commercial sex durning the last year in DUS was 3.39% ,The proportion of STD having sex with FSW was durning the last three month was 23.88%. Conclusion The risk factors of HIV infection among high-risk populations are remain exist widely,HIV positive rate among MSM populations was maintained at a high level, It is urgent to strengthen publicity education and behavior intervention among high-risk populations, prevent and control HIV infection spreading from high-risk populations to general populations.
Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
High-risk populations
Sentinel Surveillance