介绍了EGM2008或GPS水准拟合确定似大地水准面的各自优缺点,采用移去—恢复法思想,并基于EGM2008与GPS/水准点实现了区域似大地水准面精化,提出了利用Arc GIS建立区域似大地水准面的具体做法,最后通过某带状区域数据,实现了该区域精化似大地水准面的建立,并进行了精度分析,得到了较高的外符合精度。
This paper introduces the advantages and disadvantages of quasi- geoid determined by EGM2008 or GPS leveling fitting,and uses remove ~ restore method to refine quasi- geoid based on the EGM2008 And GPS / leveling. Then,this paper comes up with the method of area quasi- geoid determined by using Arc GIS. Finally,by using the data of a strip,this paper refines quasi- geoid of the area,and makes accuracy analysis,resulting good external accord accuracy.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology