本文在中心主库构建成果的基础上,以实现井筒数据的一体化展示与分析为目标,提出并完成了一体化井筒综合分析系统的设计方案,从系统体系架构和系统功能的分析出发,以企业服务总线和Web Services技术为基础,以数据服务为支撑,实现了井筒数据的批量导入、编辑以及可视化浏览,通过软件机制,形成了图形模板与加载井筒数据快速生成一些图鉴的功能,以及对这些图鉴的浏览。
Based on the construction of master database,an integrated wellbore analytical system is put forward,aimed at integrately demonstrating and analyzing data. The system,starting from system structure construction and function analysis,based on ESB and Web Services techniques and supported by data service,has achieved the mass input,edit and visible browse of wellbore data. Relying on software,by loading wellbore data,it has also adopted graphic templates and it can produce some illustrated handbooks,which can be browsed.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology