目的了解重庆市不同特征HIV感染者对抗病毒治疗的接受情况并探索干预方法。方法对达到申请高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(highly active antiretroviral therapy,HAART)标准的已治疗/未申请治疗HIV感染者做问卷调查并统计分析。制作视频干预材料,对未申请治疗的HIV感染者进行干预。结果多因素logistic回归显示CD4≤200/mm^3组未治疗者中教育程度≤初中,仅有低保收入或无收入的比例显著高于已治疗感染者,有AIDS典型症状,有性伴侣者的比例显著低于已治疗感染者;CD4>200/mm^3组,未治疗者中仅有低保收入或无收入者的比例显著高于已治疗感染者,有AIDS典型症状者比例显著低于已治疗感染者。未治疗感染者中准备在出现AIDS典型症状时候开始治疗的占56.5%,其他情况的占37%,CD4≤200/mm^3下开始治疗的占13%,CD4≤350/mm^3下开始治疗的占10.4%,尽快开始治疗的占3.9%。达到HAART申请标准≥90d,30~89d仍未申请的HIV感染者在接受干预后30d内申请治疗的比例分别为19.4%和44.3%。结论应将出现AIDS典型症状后再接受治疗的危害作为HIV感染者健康教育重点并对低经济情况的感染者提供免费体检和一定营养补助。
Objective To reveal the risk factors for people live with HIVs(PLHIVs)to delay HAART and explore intervention methods. Methods Questionnaire study and analysis were conducted on the HAART eligible PLHIVs.A HAART promotion short movie was performed to make intervention on the PLHIVs which was eligible but did not apply HAART.Results The multi-factor logistic regression suggested that in the CD4≤200/mm^3 group,the PLHIVs with education less than premier school,without income or lives on subsistence allowances,without sex partner,no AIDS defining syndromes were more likely to delay HAART and in the CD4200/mm^3 group,the PLHIVs with no income or lives on subsistence allowances and no AIDS defining syndromes were more likely to delay HAART(all P0.05).The situation that untreated PLHIVs plan to start HAART were presentation of AIDS defining symptoms(56.5%), other(37%),CD4≤200/mm^3(13%),CD4≤350/mm^3(10.4%),as soon as possible(3.9%).The HAART apply rate(30days after intervention)of PLHIVs that eligible for HAART for≥90days,30-89 days individually was 19.4% and 44.3%.Conclusion The risk of starting HAART after the presentation of AIDS defining illness should be placed in the core point of pre-HAART health education and free physical test and nutriment allowance should be provided to the PLHIVs that with poor economic condition.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information