
文化产业促进法视角下文化产业界定比较研究 被引量:3

Comparative Study on the Definition of Cultural Industries:From the Perspective of Cultural Industries Development Legislation
摘要 文化产业的特殊性及其巨大的发展潜力要求我国尽快出台促进文化产业发展的相关立法。首要亟待解决的立法问题则是如何界定"文化产业"。"文化产业"的诸多理论表明"文化产业"的内涵正在从"文化"走向"创意"。通过比较考察有关国家和地区的立法与实践,从促进法的角度出发,我国在立法上界定文化产业时,应将其称之为"文化创意产业",突出"创意"要素,并采用概括列举陈述的立法模式。此外还要考虑立法本意,做到在具有前瞻性的同时张弛有度。 The cultural industries have specific characters and enormous economic potential.It requires that China had better enact the framework of cultural industries development legislation as soon as possible.The primary issue is the definition of the cultural industries.The evolution of cultural industries theories indicates that the standpoint of the concept has been changed from"cultural"to"creative".On the basis of analyzing the practice and legislation of different countries and regions,from the perspective of developing promotion legislation,the article gives some suggestions for Chinese legislation.It is more appropriate for Chinese legislation to use the term"cultural and creative industries"to highlight "creative"factor,and more realistic to adopt the delimitation approach of combination of summarization and listing. Furthermore,legislative intentions should be considered and delimitation should be prospective and flexible.
作者 郭玉军 司文
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期93-100,共8页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(13BFX127) 国家社会科学基金艺术学重大招标项目(13ZD04)
关键词 文化产业 创意产业 文化创意产业 文化产业促进法 cultural industries creative industries cultural and creative industries the cultural industries development legislation
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