目的探讨颅内神经管原肠囊肿的MRI表现特征。方法搜集6例经手术病理证实的颅内神经管原肠囊肿患者的MRI及相关临床资料,分析其发生部位、形态及信号特点等。结果 6例中,病灶位于桥前池1例,延前池1例,桥延交界前方2例,桥小脑角池、脚间池及鞍上池1例,桥前池、脚间池1例。2例呈类圆形,2例呈分叶状,1例呈类哑铃形,1例呈不规则分叶状。1例肿瘤明显嵌入脑干,类似"脊髓嵌入征"。MRI信号较多样,T_1WI多呈等或高信号,T_2WI多呈高或等信号,增强扫描无强化。结论颅内神经管原肠囊肿的MRI表现有一定特征,对诊断及鉴别诊断有重要价值。
Objective To study the MRI features of intracranial neurenteric cysts. Methods The MRI findings and related clinical data of six patients with histologically proved neurenteric cysts were collected and the morphology and signal characteristics of tumors were analyzed. Results All of the tumors were found as a solitary,well defined mass without e- dema. The mass was located in prepontine cistern in one case, anterior to medulla oblongata in one case, anterior to the pon- tomedullary junction in two cases, in the cerebellopontine angle extending into interpeduncular cistern and suprasellar cis- tern in one case, in the prepontine cistern and interpeduncular cistern in one case. Tumors appeared round shape in two ca- ses, lobulated shape in two cases, dumbbell shape in one case, and irregular lobulated shape in one case. One case showed "sign of pons embedding" similar with sign of spinal cord embedding. Lesions varied in signal intensity that demon- strated mostly as hyperintense or isointense on T1 WI and T2WI without enhancement. Conclusion MRI findings of in- tracranial neurenteric cysts have the certain characteristic and has significant value in diagnosis and differentiation of in- tracranial neurenteric cysts.
Journal of Clinical Radiology
Intracranial Neurenteric cyst Magnetic resonance imaging