
SAP HO综合征的99 Tcm-MDP SP ECT/CT表现及其诊断价值 被引量:3

Value of 99 Tcm-MDP SPECT/CT bone imaging in diagnosing SAPHO syndrome
摘要 目的:总结滑膜炎、痤疮、脓疱病、骨肥厚、骨炎( SAPHO)综合征的99 Tcm-MDP全身骨显像及SPECT/CT影像特点,探讨SPECT/CT在SAPHO综合征诊断中的作用。方法回顾性分析2009年至2014年间6例SAPHO综合征患者(男1例,女5例,平均年龄63岁;病程1个月~7年)的骨显像及SPECT/CT断层显像资料,其中3例患者骨显像后进行了胸锁关节活组织检查。总结SAPHO综合征的全身骨显像及SPECT/CT的影像特点。结果6例患者胸锁关节区骨代谢均升高,其中2例为对称性。 SPECT/CT发现6例患者共8个受累胸锁关节,其中6个以关节侵蚀为主要表现;3例伴胸锁关节周围软组织肿胀;4例伴胸锁关节外病变16处,依次为胸骨及胸骨柄与胸骨体连接处、骶髂关节、椎体、耻骨、胸肋关节、肋骨、颅骨及足。胸骨外病变以骨关节侵蚀破坏为主要表现。结论SPECT/CT可发现SAPHO典型的胸锁关节侵蚀及更多的胸锁关节外病变,能够提高对SAPHO综合征的诊断准确性。 Objective To investigate the imaging characteristics of 99 Tcm-MDP bone SPECT/CT imaging in patients with synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis ( SAPHO) syndrome, and to e-valuate its diagnostic value. Methods 99 Tcm-MDP whole-body bone scan and SPECT/CT imaging were performed in 6 patients ( 1 male, 5 females, average age 63 years) with SAPHO syndrome ( duration:1 month to 7 years) from 2009 to 2014. Three patients underwent biopsy in sternoclavicular joint. Characteris-tics of 99 Tcm-MDP bone scan and SPECT/CT imaging were investigated. Results 99 Tcm-MDP whole-body bone scan detected high radioactivity in sternoclavicular joints of all patients, 2 cases were affected bilateral-ly and presented typical"bull horn" sign, the other 4 cases were unilaterally. A total of 8 affected sternocla-vicular joints were found, and 6 of which showed articular erosion. Three patients had soft tissue swelling. Four patients had 16 additional lesions ( sternum, sacroiliac joint, vertebral, pubis, sternocostal joint, rib, skull and foot) besides the diseased sternoclavicular joints, and erosion was the main imaging feature of these non-sternoclavicular lesions. SPECT/CT imaging also found sacroiliac joint sclerosis and spine ankylo-sis without abnormal increased uptake. Conclusion SAPHO syndrome has typical imaging characteristics in the sternoclavicular region, and SPECT/CT imaging can reveal its underlying changes and detect addi-tional lesions besides the sternoclavicular region, thus can improve the diagnostic accuracy.
出处 《中华核医学与分子影像杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期474-477,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
关键词 获得性骨肥大综合征 放射性核素显像 体层摄影术 发射型计算机 单光子 体层摄影术 X线计算机 MDP Accquired hyperostosis Radionuclide imaging Tomography,emission-computed,single-photon Tomogarphy,X-ray computed MDP
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