
白鸡屎藤挥发油防治雏鸡肠炎沙门氏菌病的效果评价 被引量:3

The Effects of Volatile Oil of White Paederia Scandens Against Salmonella Enteritidis in Broilers
摘要 为探索白鸡屎藤挥发油防治雏鸡肠炎沙门氏菌病的效果,将7日龄三黄雏鸡420只随机均分为A、B、C、D、E、F组,对A、B、C组按1 g/kg体重预防用药,在12日龄时对A、B、D、E组口服肠炎沙门氏菌建模,攻毒24 h后对A、D组按1 g/kg体重给药治疗。同时,在7日龄和0(攻毒前)、6、12、24、48、96、120 h从存活的雏鸡中每组随机抽取5只观察其病理变化,并统计各试验组增重率、发病率、病死率、死亡率和显效率。结果显示,白鸡屎藤挥发油可以提升正常雏鸡的增重率,改变患鸡的病理组织损伤,降低各试验组雏鸡的发病率和死亡率。结果表明,白鸡屎藤挥发油除具有一定的促生长作用外,还对肠炎沙门氏菌病具有较为显著的防治作用。 420 7th age of San - Huang broilers were divided into A, B, C, D, E, F groups, and prevention given intranasally on A, B, C groups at 1 g/ kg body weight. At 12 - day - old, A, B, D and E groups were treated orally with Salmonella Enteritidis for modeling , and A and D groups were treated intranasally at 1 g/kg body weight after 24 h . Meanwhile, Pathological changes observed at 7 d, O, 6, 12 , 24, 48, 96 and 120 h in survival broilers, and the rate of weight gain, morbidity, mortality, mortality and significant efficiency was calculated in all groups. The results show that volatile oil of White Paederia Scandens can improve weight gain, reduce pathological damage and lower mortality and mortality rate. The search concludes that the vola- tile oil of White Paederia Scandens has a growth - promoting effect, and has significant effect against Salmonella Enteritidis infection.
出处 《贵州畜牧兽医》 2015年第6期10-15,共6页 Guizhou Journal of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 贵州省农业攻关项目(黔科合NY字[2012]3068号)
关键词 白鸡屎藤挥发油 肠炎沙门氏菌 防治 雏鸡 Volatile Oil of White Paederia Scandens Salmonella Enteritidis Prevention and Cure Broiler
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