目前,社会、家庭普遍使用的是机械表盘时钟,而一款打破传统的电子旋转时钟如果推出就能够以其新颖的创意来吸引人们,于是文章就研究并设计了一个基于单片机的电子旋转时钟。该设计主要依据人眼视觉暂留(Persistence of Vision)原理[1],使用电机带动一定数量的发光二极管旋转,让单片机控制发光二极管在相应的位置点亮,只要点亮时间间隔小于人眼视觉暂留时间,就算不是同时点亮的,也能完整的呈现出一个模拟时钟。
At present, the society and family commonly used mechanical clock, a break traditional electronic rotary clock,as a consequence,will attract tremendous people with its new creative. So the article discusses and designs a rotary clock which is based on Single-chip Microcontroller. The principle of the design is Persistence of Vision. By using a DC motor draws a certain number of Light-emitting Diode to rotate, and using the Single-chip Microcontroller controls the Light-emitting Diodes to be lighted in their place As long as the light time interval is less than the human eye persistence of vision, the rotary clock also can complete presents an analog clock If not lit at the same time.
Electronic Technology