

The comparison & contrast of the four countries' immune procedure and their respective application to the international travelers
摘要 比较中国、美国、英国和巴西4个国家免疫程序之间的异同点。各国均对乙肝、麻腮风、脊髓灰质炎和流脑等广泛流行且疾病负担较重的疫苗可预防疾病制定了相应的免疫接种程序,但由于各国传染病流行情况及卫生资源的差异,在疫苗种类、接种对象、剂型的选择上均存在差异。只有充分研究各国的疾病流行情况、免疫接种策略,才能针对不同类型的出境人员制定更加精细化、个性化的预防接种方案,从而保障旅行者健康。 Objective the study the similarities and differences of the immune procedures in China, the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil shows that the four countries all have developed immune procedures against the wide-spread diseases with heavy burden such as Hep B, MMR, OPV and Men V, etc. But since the epidemic situations of diseases and the public health resources vary from country to country, immune procedures in the four countries differ in vaccine types, objects and dosage forms. Only through full study of the epidemic situations of diseases and the different immune strategies in countries abroad, could International Travel Health Care Center develop elaborate and personalized vaccination procedures for international travelers.
出处 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期359-365,共7页 Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine
基金 北京出入境检验检疫局科研项目(2015BK035)
关键词 国际旅行者 免疫程序 预防接种 International travelers Immune procedure Vaccination
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