为了明确嘧肽·吗啉胍对马铃薯Y病毒坏死株系(Potato virus Y necrosis strain,PVY^N)的抑制作用及诱导寄主的抗性反应,采用紫外分光光度计和ELISA法研究了嘧肽·吗啉胍对烟草中PVY^N浓度的影响。结果表明,嘧肽·吗啉胍可明显降低感病植物体内PVY^N的浓度,抑制率达32.71%~68.73%。并检测不同处理下烟草体内过氧化物酶(POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的变化,嘧肽·吗啉胍能诱导烟草体内PPO、POD、PAL及SOD的活性提高,说明该药剂可诱导植株产生抗病性。
The systemic resistance and inhibition of CyMH against Potato virus Y necrosis strain (PVYN) was determined. The influence of CyMH on the concentration of PVYN in plant were tested by UV absorption and ELISA.The results indicated that the concentration of PVYN were decreased after treated by CyMH, the inhibition rate was 32.71%~68.73%.Activities of POD, PAL, PPO, SOD in tobacco were detected under different treatments(treated with water,PVYN,CyMH).The results showed that the tobacco treated with CyMH can induce defensive enzymes activity of tobacco(PPO,POD,PAL and SOD),and CyMH could induced resistance on the host.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences