采用野外调查方法对武夷山香果树的开花物候、生殖构件及其影响因子相关性进行了研究,结果表明:武夷山23 a香果树个体开始进入生殖期,其单花花期为6.91 d,始花期随着树龄的增加逐渐提前,花期持续时间在36~61d之间;海拔对香果树种群的单花花期和开花进程产生显著影响,随着海拔的升高,香果树单花花期也呈上升趋势,始花期推迟。香果树个体均产86个花枝,7 388朵花,95个果实,随着母树树龄的增加,其生殖构件数量均有不同程度的增长,其中80~110 a香果树单花枝产果量较高;香果树生殖构件数量随着海拔的升高,其个体产花枝量和花数量均呈下降趋势,而其果实产量则有小幅度增加。香果树的树龄和光照、大气温度和湿度与其生殖构件数量存在极显著正相关关系,80~110 a香果树、30 000 Lx以上的光照强度、28℃气温以及70%湿度是其有性生殖较好的生殖年龄及微环境。建议对香果树原生境进行保护,严禁砍伐香果树母树;对香果树附近的高大乔木进行疏伐和间伐以改善香果树母树树冠的光照条件,将有利于其生殖构件的生长发育。
The flowering phenology, reproductive module and the relationship between the parameters and their impacting factors of Emmenopterys henryi were studied using field survey method. The results showed that the E. henryi trees entered the reproductive period at the age of 23 years old, and its florescence of single flower was 6.91 days. With the tree got old, its florescence came earlier, with a time duration of 36 to 61 days. Altitude had a significant influence on the florescence of single flower, as the altitude increased, the florescence of single flower got longer, and the first - flowering date postponed. The average number of flower branch per individual was 86, which including 7 388 flowers and 95 fruits, and as the mother tree got old, the quantity of the reproduetive module in- creased to different extends, among which the highest fruit productivity of a single flower branch generated from the trees with the age of 80 ~ 110 years old. With the altitude inereased, both the number of flower braneh and flower decreased, however the quantity of the fruits had a modest increase. There were significant positive correlations be- tween the age of E. henryi and light, air temperature, air humidity and their modules. The results of the study indi- cated that, for the mother trees with age of 80 - 110 years old, the mierohabitat of light intensity of 30 000 lux, temperature of 28℃, and the humidity of 70%, were the best for their sexual reproduction. Based on the present research, it is suggested that the original habitat of E. henryi should be protected, cutting the mother tree of E. henryi should be prohibited, meanwhile, the high trees around the E. henryi tree should be thinned to improve the light conditions and help the growth and development of E. henryi.
Forest Research
flowering process
reproductive age
influence factors
Emmenopterys henryi