采用试验机对沥青混凝土进行单轴压缩实验,测得沥青混凝土的弹性模量和抗压强度。以沥青混凝土的胶浆理论为基础结合颗粒流软件内置的本构模型建立PFC3D中三维的切削模型并进行虚拟实验校核模型参数。在不同的切削速度、切入角、切削深度和进给速度的切削条件下采用单因素和正交试验法研究刀具受到的切削力。从正交试验分析得出了一组切削力较小的最优刀具参数,此时切削速度v_c=5 m/s、切入角γ_0=45°、切削深度a_p=5 mm、进给速度v_f=1.32 m/min。
The compressive strength and elastic modulus of the asphalt concrete are obtained by using the universal testing machine controlled by microcomputer for experiment of asphalt concrete axial compression. The 3D cutting model of asphalt concrete are established and checked on the basis of mucilage principle of asphalt concrete combining with the constitutive built - in model of granular flow in PFC3D. The parameters of model are checked by virtual experiments. Cutting force of cutter is studied by using single factor analysis and orthogonal test under different cutting speed, cutting angle, cutting depth and feed rate. The results of orthogonal test show that cutting force is relative small under the condition of cutting speed vc = 5 m/s, cutting angle To = 45°, cutting depth ap = 5 mm and vs = 1.32 m/min.
Machine Design And Research