Genre fiction grows up and becomes popular with the rise of new media in the new century. There are four characteristics in its writing: in the aspect of "discourse implication", it uses "Myth-Archetype" as the image concept in writing, through which the reader, the text and the author share " collective unconsciousness " in potential non-verbal communication, thereby promoting psychological identity; in terms of its purpose and functionality, it provides readers with "entertainment sleep" to resist rational everyday life and get physical and mental balance; with regard to its language style, it usually uses automated "white paper", defamiliarization in psychological implication and showing an alienation of verbal resistance, inner and reduction even absence in aesthetic properties; as for the writing process, it takes the reader as the center and c model, creating interactive mode of "fans" writing. Genre popular literature in the new century. hanges fiction the traditional author-centered writing embodies the main current of Chinese
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)