目的探讨MSCT在评价颅面部骨纤维异常增殖症中的临床价值。方法回顾性分析42例经手术病理或活检证实的颅面部FDB的影像学资料及临床资料,所有患者均行64层螺旋CT薄层扫描及三维重建。结果 42例中,单骨型12例,多骨型30例,单骨型以上颌骨居多,多骨型最多累及上颌骨、蝶骨、筛骨;MSCT表现为病变骨不同程度膨胀性增粗、畸形,均未见软组织肿块影,其中磨玻璃样变23例,囊状变15例,弥漫性硬化改变4例,"丝瓜瓤"样表现2例,多数病例呈2种以上表现混合存在。结论 MSCT薄层扫描及MPR及VR图像可全面、清晰、立体、直观显示颅面部FDB的形态结构及与周边关系,对其诊断和治疗都有重要临床意义。
Objective To explore the clinical value of multislice spiral CT in evaluating fibrous dysplasia of craniofacial bone. Methods The clinical and imaging data were retrospectively reviewed in 42 cases with fibrous dysplasia of the craniofacial bone proved by biopsy or surgery and pathology. All of them underwent 64-slice spiral CT scan and three-di- mensional reconstruction. Results Twelve of 42 cases were monostotic type, and the others (30/42) were polyostotic type. The monostotic type most involved upper jaw bone, polyostotic type most involved upper jaw bone, and sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone. MSCT showed different degrees of pathological bone swelling thickening, deformity, no soft tis- suemass, ground-glass opacity in twenty-three cases, cystic hypodense in fifteen cases, and plaque-like osteosclerosis in four cases. Loofah like in three cases-Bboth types were mixed and existed in many cases. Conclusion Fibrous dysplasia of craniofacial bone and the relation with surrounding tissue can be comprehensive, clear, visual revealed. All of these had very important clinical significance to the diagnosis and treatment of FDB.
Journal of Medical Imaging