目的报告我国不同年龄、不同性别人群淋球菌、性传播衣原体、梅毒螺旋体(梅毒)的疾病负担和20年间的发病数及发病率。方法利用2010年全球疾病负担研究结果,主要指标包括3种性传播疾病(淋球菌、性传播衣原体、梅毒)的发病数和发病率,死亡数和死亡率,伤残调整生命年(DALY)、早死造成的生命损失年(YLL)、伤残造成的生命损失年(YLD)。同时,以2010年人口普查数据作为标准人口,将每5岁作为1个年龄组,计算标化发病率、标化死亡率,标化的YLL率、YLD率和DALY率,并分性别和年龄计算1990-2010年的变化幅度,描述疾病负担指标20年的变化趋势。结果中国1990年3种性传播疾病(淋球菌、性传播衣原体、梅毒)的发病数、标化发病率、死亡数、标化死亡率、DALY、标化DALY率、YLL、标化YLL率、YLD和标化YLD率分别为10 291 090例、7042.486/10万、17 938例、1.281/10万、152.292万人年、98.725年/10万、126.015万人年、74.655年/10万、26.277万人年和24.071年/10万。与其相比,2010年除发病数以及YLD略有增加外,其他各项指标均有所降低,分别为10 359 147例、6099.137/10万、2429例、0.182/10万、44.836万人年、33.823年/10万、16.856万人年、12.377年/10万、27.980万人年和21.447年/10万。2010年与1990年相比,4个年龄组中淋球菌感染发病数呈上升趋势。5~14岁少年儿童和15~49岁中青年组性传播衣原体发病数下降,而50~69岁中老年组和70岁及以上老年组发病数上升。从发病率来看,除5~14岁少年儿童性传播衣原体发病率略有上升外,其他各组均有下降。除5~14组以外,其他各年龄组中梅毒发病数在1990-2010年间均呈上升趋势,标化发病率在1990 2010年间均呈现下降趋势。〈5岁幼儿与其他年龄组相比梅毒死亡数最大。结论 1990-2010年,中国人群感染淋球菌、性传播衣原体、梅毒疾病负担呈下降趋势。按性别、不同年龄
Objective To understand the age and sex specific incidence of gonococcal infection,sexually transmitted chlamydial infection and syphilis and related disease burden in China during the past 20 years. Methods The age and sex specific case number and morbidity of gonococcal infection,sexually transmitted chlamydial infection and syphilis were estimated by using Bayesian technique and related years of life lost( YLL),years lived with disability( YLD) and disability adjusted life year( DALY) were calculated. Results In 1990 the case number,standardized morbidity,death number,standardized mortality,DALY,standardized DALY,YLL,standardized YLL,YLD and standardized YLD of gonococcal infection,sexually transmitted chlamydial infection and syphilis in China were 10 291 090,7042. 486 / lakh,17 938,1. 281 / lakh,1 522 920 person years,98. 725 person years / lakh,1 260 150 person years,74. 655 person years / lakh,262 770 person years,and 24. 071 person years / lakh,respectively. In 2010,the case number and YLDincreased slightly,but the values of other indicators declined. The case number,standardized morbidity,death number,standardized mortality,DALY,standardized DALY,YLL,standardized YLL,YLD,and standardized YLD were10 359 147,6099. 137 / lakh,2429,0. 182 / lakh,448 360 person years,33. 823 person years / lakh,168 560 person years,12. 377 person years / lakh,279 800 person years and 21. 447 person years / lakh,respectively. Compared with1990,in 2010,the gonococcal infection cases increased in age groyp 4 years,sexually transmitted chlamydial infection cases declined in age group 5-14 years and increased in age groups 50-69 years and 70 years. The morbidity of gonococcal infection was in decline. Except age group 5-14 years,the morbidity of syphilis increased in all the age groups. The standardized morbidity of the three sexually transmitted diseases showed a decline trend from 1990 to 2010.The death number in age group 5 years was highest compared with other age groups. Conclusion The morbidity of gonococcal infe
Disease Surveillance
Disease burden
Gonococcal infection
Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection