目的探讨2008—2014年东平县手足口病的流行病学特征与流行趋势,为制定防控策略提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对2008—2014年《中国疾病预防控制信息系统》中报告的东平县手足口病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果2008—2014年我县手足口总发病数是9 139例,发病率为164.69/10万(9 139/5 549 284)年发病数分别是373、668、1 327、779、2 254、957、2 781例,分别占发病总数的4.08%、7.31%、14.52%、8.52%、24.66%、10.47%、30.43%,发病数整体呈现上升趋势,并隔年出现一次流行高峰,其中5-8月份发病6 632例,占总发病数的72.57%,明显高发;城区及周边区域(东平街道)发病数最多(2 493例),占27.28%;5岁以下儿童较多(8 508例),占发病总数的93.10%,年龄集中在1-3岁(6 516例),占发病总数的71.30%,其中男5 596例,女3 543例,性别比为1.58:1,职业以散居儿童为主(6 221例),占68.07%;其次是幼托儿童(2 488例),占27.22%。结论手足口病传播流行性强,夏季高发,1-3岁儿童最易患病,男性发病高于女性,托幼机构易发生聚集性病例,在流行过程中起关键作用。提高农村群众防护意识,做好传染源隔离,及早落实托幼机构停课关园、加强消毒效果监测等措施对疫情控制效果良好。
Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristic and epidemic trend of hand- foot- mouth disease from 2008 to2014 in Dongping county, and to provide scientific basis for formulating prevention and control strategy.Methods Using descriptive epidemiology method, the data of the epidemic situation of hand- foot- mouth disease in Dongping County,which was reported in the China disease prevention and control information system from 2008 to 2014 was didstatisti c analysis.Results The total number of hand- foot- mouth disease from 2008 to 2014 in the county was 9 139,the incidence was 164.96/105(9 139/5 549 284).The numbers of the disease in each year were 373(4.08%),668(7.31%),1 327(14.52%),779(8.52%),2 254(24.66%),957(10.47%),2 781(30.43%) respectively.The incidence of the disease was generally on the increase and there was a epidemic peak in alternate years.From May to August there were 6 632 cases(72.57%).2 493 cases(27.28%) of the total number occurred in urban and surrounding areas(Dongping streets).It was most often diagnosed in children aged under five years old in which were 8 508 cases(93.1%) occurred. There were 6 516 cases which accounted for 71.3% occurred in children from 1- 3 years old.Among children under five years old,5 596 were male and 3 543 were female,and the ratio of male to female was 1.58:1.6 221 cases were scattered inhabiting children which accounted for 68.07%, whereas 2 488 cases were Children in kindergarten which accounted for 27.22%.Conclusion Hand- foot- mouth disease which took place more frequently in summer spread and prevail easily.The greatest occurrence of hand- foot- mouth disease is in those children from 1- 3 years old and the rate of the disease of male patients was higher than that of female. Kindergartens are very prone to develop aggregation case, which play a key role in the popular process. Enhancing the awareness of rural mass protection, doing a good job in isolating the source of infection, carrying out an examina
Journal Of Community Medicine
Hand-foot-mouth disease