以滇金丝猴分布区域为研究对象,对各个猴群栖息地景观格局现状进行分析。运用景观生态学方法和全球30m地表覆盖数据,结合Arc GIS10.0空间分析技术和景观格局分析软件Fragstats 3.4,计算出14个景观生态学指标。结果表明:1森林、灌丛、草地是滇金丝猴分布区内最重要的三类景观要素,且受到的破坏程度大于其他景观要素;2南面猴群栖息地受到人类活动干扰强度大于北面;3在15个猴群栖息地中,G6(茨卡通)和G 11(金丝厂)的生境破碎度最严重。为确保猴群基因交流的顺畅性和遗传的多样性,应优先对破碎度较严重的景观要素和栖息地进行生境恢复和廊道建设。
The distnbution of Yunnan snub- nosed monkey as the study subject, and the landscape pattern ol each habitat was studied in this pa- per. By means of the spatial analysis technics ArcGIS 10.0, the data of Global Land 30 and applying the landscape pattern analysis software Fragstats 3.4,14 landscape metrics were calculated. The results indicated that:① Forest, shrub and grass as the three primary landscapes in the study area, and its habitat fragmentation was much worse than other landscapes. ②The habitats in the south were disturbed more by human activities than the habitats in the north. ③The habitat fragmentation of G6 and G11 were the most two serious habitats compared to other 13 habitats. To facilitate the gene ex- change and genetic diversity of Yunnan snub - nosed monkeys, it was supposed to take measures preferentially to restore and build corridors for the fragmented habitats.
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