患者,男,67岁。因"发热伴左侧腰腹部疼痛5d"于2013年6月24日入院。既往关节炎、尿酸增高病史20年,阑尾炎病史5年,血小板减少病史2个月。该患者于6月20日无明显诱因出现发热,T 39.0~40.0℃,伴有左侧腰痛、腹胀,无腹泻、恶心呕吐、咳嗽咳痰,就诊于当地医院,检查提示左肾结石、左下肺感染,予以解痉、抗感染等治疗,效果不佳,患者仍有发热,并出现血小板减少,
Lactic acidosis(LA)is a common complication in critical patients.It refers to the peripheral blood pH7.35,and serum lactate concentration≥5mmol/L.According to the presence of hypoxia,LA is divided into type A and type B.Clinically most cases of LA are type A,The diseases causing hypoxia can also cause accumulation of lactic acid,leading to LA.Type B of LA is involved in drug,alcohol,cancer,congenital genetic abnormalities and other diseases.It is rare clinically.Due to different reasons of LA,treatment is different.So the identification of different types of LA is particularly important.Now we report a case of type B LA caused by lymphoma and discuss the clinical rare type B LA caused by other reasons.
Journal of Clinical Emergency