
飞行器气动模型辅助导航方法的研究概况与进展 被引量:3

Overview and progress on study of aircraft aerodynamics model aided navigation method
摘要 气动模型辅助导航是一种新型的导航方法,将描述飞行器飞行状态的气动模型信息与现有导航系统信息相融合,可以提高导航精度和可靠性,近年来受到国内外学者的关注,有望成为飞行器的新型自主导航方法.通过对气动模型辅助导航方法研究现状的调研和分析,阐述了该导航方法的概念与原理;分析了目前主要的3种技术方案—–气动模型/惯性导航融合、气动模型/卫星导航融合、气动模型/惯性/卫星导航融合的各自特点;对气动模型辅助导航方法与当前几种主要的辅助导航方法进行综合比较,分析了该方法的技术优势与应用前景;结合目前的研究现状,探讨了气动模型辅助导航方法后续研究的关键技术和发展方向.气动模型辅助导航方法与飞行器的气动模型特性、制导、导航和控制流程密切相关,该方法的研究有助于推动导航、制导与控制(GNC)3个方向的各自发展和深度融合. The aerodynamics model aided navigation method hopefully becomes a new trend in the field of aircraft navigation. Through the survey and analysis of the method, the concept and the principle are explained. Three schemes including the aerodynamics model/inertial navigation integrated scheme, the aerodynamics model/satellite navigation integrated scheme, and the aerodynamics model/inertial/satellite navigation integrated scheme are analyzed. The aerodynamics model aided navigation method is compared with several other aided navigation methods. The technical advantages and application prospects are analyzed and the further research directions are discussed. The aerodynamics model aided navigation method is closely related with the aerodynamics characteristics and the guidance, navigation, control(GNC)process, so the study of the method helps drive the development and deep integration of GNC.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2113-2120,共8页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61174197) 航空科学基金项目(2012ZC52045) 江苏省"青蓝工程"基金项目
关键词 气动模型 惯性导航 组合导航 导航、制导与控制 aerodynamics model inertial navigation integrated navigation GNC
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