目的根据临床岗位需求和护理专业人才培养目标要求,探讨以团队为基础的教学(TBL)与问题为基础的学习(PBL)相结合在护理专业教学中应用,为提高教学效果提供科学依据。方法选择本校2013级护理专业两个班的120名学生作为研究对象,随机分为试验组和对照组,试验组应用TBL与PBL,对照组学生采用LBL进行教学,课程结束后对两组学生考试成绩进行分析。结果试验组对教学效果的评价及在考试成绩方面优于对照组,P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。结论 TBL与PBL相融合的教学模式在分析问题及解决问题的能力、医患沟通、团队合作等有较大的优越性。
Objective According to the requirements of clinical work and nursing personnel training goals and objectives, based on the team's teaching (TBL) with problem based learning (PBL) in nursing teaching application, provide scientific basis for improving teaching quality. Methods Selected the school class of 2013 nursing two classes all of 120 students as the research object, randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group, the experimental group applied TBL and PBL, the control group students basic teaching method (LBL) was adopted to improve the teaching, course after the analysis of two groups of students test scores.Results The experimental group and in terms of test scores to the evaluation of teaching effect was better than the control group,P<0.05, was difference had difference statistically.Conclusion TBL and the integration of PBL teaching mode in the ability to analyze and solve problems, doctor-patient communication, team cooperation has a bigger superiority.
China Continuing Medical Education