
李鸿章与近代中朝军事通讯网的建立——以架设朝鲜半岛电报线为中心的研究 被引量:3

Li Hongzhang and the Establishment of Military Communications Network between China and the Korean Peninsula in Modern Times ——a Study on the Construction of Telegraph Line in Korean Peninsula
摘要 19世纪80年代中期至90年代初,李鸿章主持兴办的构筑朝鲜电报通讯网一事,可谓是其在甲午战争前对朝鲜外交活动中的成功之举。在李鸿章的主持下,中国于1885年至1891年,与朝鲜共签署了4个有关架设朝鲜半岛电报线的合同1,之后又费时近8年时间,架设开通了一条贯通朝鲜半岛南北、覆盖东西两岸,直通中国大陆的电报线路,并使其发展为属国军用电报线路网。此举是以1883年日本侵占朝鲜海底电报线权为契机,以晚清中国电报事业的发展经验为借鉴,以李鸿章将其作为对朝鲜政治、军事、外交重要措置为目的的情况下,得以实施和发展的。它伴随着中日两国在朝鲜势力消长的变化,经历了竞争、掌控和丧失的过程。可以说,甲午战争前李鸿章建立朝鲜电报线路网个案研究,是李鸿章研究乃至近代东亚国际关系研究的一个重要内容,同时它对揭示宗主国中国强固近代中朝宗藩关系实体化过程的理解也有着重要的意义。 From the mid-1880 s to the early 1990 s, the construction of telegraph communication network in Korean Peninsula charged by Li Hongzhang can be regarded as a fully successful diplomatic activity between China and Korea before the breaking out of the Sino-Japanese War. From 1885 to 1891, there were four contracts concerning the construction of telegraph line in Korean Peninsula signed by China and Korea under the charge of Li Hongzhang. And then it took eight years to erect the telegraph network covering the whole Korean Peninsula with a connection to the China's Mainland, which then became Korea's military telegraph network. The construction of telegraph line was taken by Li Hongzhang as a significant measure to deal with political, military and diplomatic affairs concerning Korea, and it was carried out taking Japan's occupation of Korea's submarine telegraph line right as an opportunity and China's telegraph development experience in the late Qing Dynasty as a reference. And the construction was accompanied by the growth and decline of Chinese and Japanese forces in Korea, the right of which experienced competition, control and loss. It can be concluded that the case study on the construction of Korean telegraph line network before the Sino-Japanese War is a significant part of researches on Li Hongzhang as well as on modern international relations in East Asia, and meanwhile, the study will also play an important role in comprehending China's effort to solidify the suzerain-tributary relation between China and Korea.
作者 郭海燕
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期69-79,共11页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
基金 "平成27年度日本大学理工学部基础科学研究助成金"的阶段性成果之一
关键词 李鸿章 属国朝鲜电报线 中朝军事电报线路网 《元山电线合同》 Li Hongzhang telegraph line of the dependent country Korea military telegraph network of China and Korea Yuan-shan Telegraph Line Contract
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