

Literary Genre Studies: From a Formalistic Approach to Diversified Meaning-Making
摘要 对近40年国外文学研究中的体裁研究状况进行了梳理,明确传统体裁研究对文学创作实践进行理论规定这一做法在解构主义浪潮下所受到的冲击,指出传统体裁研究的理论前提缘何不再适用。梳理目前文学体裁研究的新动态,指出文学体裁研究正在从对形式的片面追求转向多元化的意义构建,并简要介绍新的研究范式带来的部分研究新成果及其存在的局限。 Literary genre studies of the past four decades are examined and it is pointed out that the prescriptive nature of traditional genres has been undermined by deconstructionism and the assumptions behind traditional genre studies have been found untenable. New trends in literary genre studies are identified and it has been found that genre studies are moving from the age-old emphasis upon form toward diversified strivings towards meaning-making. Some recent advances are introduced together with some of the limitations inherent in the new trends.
作者 程艳琴
出处 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期73-77,共5页 Journal of Fuyang Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 体裁研究 形式主义 解构主义 意义构建 genre studies formalistic deconstructionism meaning-making
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