Objective: To analyze the clinical features of 46,XY pure gonadal dysgenesis and to increase the knowledge of this disease. Method: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical datas of 56 patients with 46,XY pure gonadal dysgenesis adimitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital from Jan. 2007 to Mar. 2015. Result: Their social gender were all female and the mean age at diagnosis was( 21. 1 ± 5. 2) years. 53 cases( 94. 64%) presented with primary amenorrhea. The breast development of 51 patients( 91. 07%) was less than level Ⅲ.The armpit hair of 53 patients( 94. 64%) was sparse or absent and the pubic hair of 48 cases( 85. 72%) was sparse or absent. 47 patients( 83. 93%) have naive vulva and 5 cases have enlarged colitoris. The gonadotropin level of all the patients was elevated and the level of estradiol and testosterone were decreased. Uterus was founded in the pelvic of all the patiens and most oviducts were normal. The histopathology results showed that gonadal malignancy were observed in 12 patients( 21. 43%). Conclusion: 46,XY pure gonadal dysgenesis have specific clinical features. It is important to diagnosis in time and to resect the underdeveloped gonad.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology