
使用橡皮障对牙体牙髓科患者舒适度的影响 被引量:8

Impact of the use of rubber dam on patient comfort in the department of cariology and endodontology
摘要 目的:调查患者在进行牙体牙髓治疗时使用橡皮障的接受度及不适感来源。方法:对202名在牙体牙髓治疗时使用橡皮障的14~78岁患者(男性85名,女性117名)进行问卷调查;统计并分析患者对橡皮障的接受度以及牙位、方法、是否局麻等对橡皮障使用舒适度的影响。结果:88.1%的患者愿意下次治疗时再次使用橡皮障;治疗上颌前牙的患者对橡皮障接受度较其他治疗部位高(97.1%)(P〈0.05);使用局麻的患者对橡皮障接受度高于未局麻者(P〈0.05);树脂直接粘结修复或根管治疗患者对橡皮障的接受度无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论:牙体牙髓治疗时患者对橡皮障术野隔离法的接受度高,牙位、是否局麻会影响患者对橡皮障的接受度。 AIM: To investigate the patients' acceptance of rubber dam use and the influencing factors of rubber dam during restorative and endodontic treatment. METHODS: Rubber dam was used during restorative or endodontic treatment in 202 patients( 85 males and 117 females) aged 14 to 78 year-old( 36. 5 on average) in this questionnaire study. Patients' acceptance rate of rubber dam usage and whether tooth position,type of treatment and local anesthesia would affect the use of rubber dam were studied. RESULTS: Of all the patients questioned,88. 1% would like to use rubber dam again during dental treatment. The acceptance rate of patients who had maxillary anterior teeth treatment was higher( 97. 1%,P 0. 05). Moreover,patients with local anesthesia showed higher acceptance of rubber dam use than those without anesthesia( P 0. 05). However,the acceptance rate of rubber dam use between patients receiving direct adhesive restoration and root canal treatment showed no significant difference( P 0. 05). CONCLUSION: Patients' acceptance rate of rubber dam use was high in the department of cariology and endodontology.Tooth position and local anesthesia may influence patients' degree of comfort during rubber dam use.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2015年第11期682-684,共3页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
基金 国家自然科学基金(51372005) 北京大学口腔医学院青年基金(PKUSS20130108)
关键词 橡皮障 患者 舒适度 rubber dam patient comfort
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