
近代上海“自由贸易”的历史审视:制度、形态及多重效应 被引量:1

The History of “Free Trade” In the Modern Shanghai was Examined Closely by Institution,Formation and Multiple-effect
摘要 近代上海经济的百年发展是个奇观,在贸易条件长期不利状况下,城市经济持续发展;其商业化、工业化、城市化进程莫不与"被迫的""自由贸易"形态相关。从开埠初期的区位优势,至清末民初的规模优势,再到20世纪二三十年代的制度优势,是近代上海经济转型的三次递进,有效的市场化是贯穿其中的内在逻辑。以历史的高度审视近代上海外贸的利弊得失,对于现今的自由贸易,具有鉴往资今的意义。 The hundred years of development of economy was a miracle in the modern Shanghai. Under the long-term of disadvantage factors of trading condition, urban economy had been developed continuouslyl their courses of commercialization, industrialization, urbanization were related to shape of ‘forced’ and ‘free trade’. From the regional superiority earliest days, and scale advantage at the end of Ming Dynasty and system superiority in the 1920 to 1930’ s, were three times of the progressive economic transformation at modern Shanghai. Effective marketization is including logic that flow through it. With a historic perspective, they weight pros and cons for modern Shanghai trading. It had importance through the ages for the currentfree trade.
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期3-20,共18页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 上海社科院经济所国家社科基金项目“开埠后上海经济转型中的民间制度和民间理性研究”之前期成果 执笔人:樊卫国研究员
关键词 近代上海 “自由贸易” 市场化 口岸工业化 历史审视 Modern Shanghai Free Trade Market-Oriented Economy Port-Industrialize Examined Historically
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