对声音信号进行频谱分析,是认识声音信号和处理声音信号的重要方法,因而基于声音信号频谱检测具有重要的意义。通过使用FPGA微处理器对声音信号频谱进行检测,并通过Altera公司的Quartus II软件、相关IP核以及硬件描述语言VHDL完成对声音信号的采集、量化、存储、快速傅里叶变换(FFT)、滤波、计算声强等一系列功能,通过测试实现了声音频谱的前端监测,同时结合VGA直观地显示动态信号特征,真正达到了对声音信号频谱的动态监测。经过实验验证,该设计可以准确检测出声音信号频谱并动态地显示出来。
Frequency spectrum analysis of the sound signal is an important method to understand the sound signal and the sound signal processing. So the study of sound signal based on spectrum detection becomes more and more important. In this article, the system makes sound signal spectrum detection come true by using FieldProgrammable Gate Array( FPGA) microprocessor. Using Altera company 's Quartus II software,IP core and hardware description language( VHDL),we have written a series of functional programs to control FPGA to realize the complete sound signal acquisition,storage,quantization,fast fourier transform( FFT),filtering,calculation of sound intensity. According to the test,we basically get the audio spectrum of the front end of the monitoring process. Meanwhile,in order to achieve a visual display,this study also discusses how to realize FPGA to drive VGA interface and integrate with the front end of the monitoring process,which really makes the sound signal spectrum of the dynamic monitoring come true. In this experiment,the design can detect sound signal spectrum accurately and the result can be displayed dynamically.
Journal of Beijing Union University