

Factors of Gender: Study on the Gender Factors of Feminization of Kuan-yin in the Tang Dynasty in the Middle Area of China
摘要 唐代中土地区观音向女性转化的原因多种多样,其中性别也是一个非常关键的因素。首先,观音可显化为女性并具有母亲慈爱品性及其送子功能非常契合中土民众的心理,使得中土的佛教信众不论男女都渴望观音是一位慈祥可亲的女性,唐代画匠和工匠们在塑造观音像时往往将这种渴望融入创作之中;其次,观音是唐代女性最重要的崇奉对象之一,不论上层社会的贵妇,还是平民百姓中的女性,都热衷于开窟造像的活动,她们对美的追求及其审美倾向对观音像的体态造型、服饰打扮、神态气质都产生了重要影响,促使着观音向女性转化,而她们在私密空间的供像、观像及求子活动,也使得观音向女性转化成为不可逆转的走势。 There are various reasons explaining why Kwan-yin in the Tang Dynasty in middle area transformed from male to female, and the gender was also a very important factor. Firstly, Kwan-yin could incarnate as a woman who had the character of maternal love and had the function of giving couples who wanted babies, which did quite correspond to the people's preferences in the middle area. Therefore, Buddhist followers living there, men or women, hoped that Kwan-yin could be a kind and amiable woman. And during the process of shaping the portrait of Kwan-yin, the painters and craftsmen in the Tang Dynasty tended to put the desire into their creations. Secondly, Kwan-yin was one of the most important objects of worship for the women in the Tang Dynasty. The upper-class women or the lower-class women were all keen to the activities of digging grottoes and building statues of Kuan-yin. Their pursuits of beauty and aesthetic tendency had a significant influence on the postures, dress, mien and temperament of Kwan-yin, which prompted the feminization of Kwan-yin. Moreover, their activities of worshipping and watching Kuan-yin sculptures, praying for the children in their private space also made the feminization of Kwan-yin an irreversible trend.
作者 焦杰
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2015年第12期1-8,81,共9页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
基金 教育部2009年人文社会科学研究基金项目"唐代女性与宗教"(项目主持人:焦杰 项目批准号:09YJA770039)阶段成果 国家社科基金2012年项目"唐代墓志中女性资料的整理与研究"(项目主持人:焦杰 项目批准号:12BZS029)阶段成果
关键词 中土地区 观音女性化 唐代女性 the middle area of China feminization of Kuan-yin the female of Tang Dynasty
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