通过分别对1,2-己二醇和Zeastat进行防腐功效评价,提出了由1,2-己二醇和Zeastat组成的新型复配无防腐体系方案。研究了在水剂、O/W型乳液、凝胶、膏霜等剂型配方中,不同复配比例对细菌和真菌抑制效果。防腐测试结果表明:使用质量分数0.80%的1,2-己二醇复配质量分数0.20%的Zeastat,或质量分数0.80%的1,2-己二醇复配质量分数0.30%的Zeastat,对细菌和真菌都具有非常出色的抑制效果,在水剂产品中,试验菌种需14 d可全部被杀灭,而在其他剂型产品中,只需7 d即可。研究结果证明新型复配无防腐方案不仅能够达到优异的防腐效果,而且可以节约成本,符合现代无防腐化妆品的安全要求。
Through the antimicrobial efficacy study on 1, 2-hexanediol, and Zeastat separately, a new synergistic preservative- free combination of 1,2-hexanediol and Zeastat was presented. In water aqua, O/W emulsion, gel and cream, the inhibiting effect on bacteria and fungi of different mass ratio of mixtures were studied. The results showed that 1,2-hexanediol and Zeastat with mass fraction of 0. 80% and 0. 20%, or 0. 80% and 0. 30%, respectively, provided the excellent inhibiting effect on bacteria and fungi. In water aqua product, all tested bacteria and fungi were killed in 14 days, while in other products they were killed in 7 days. The experiment result confirmed that this new synergistic preservative-free combination not only had outstanding antimicroblal effect, but also cost saving, which is satisfied with the requirement of modern preservative free cosmetics.
Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics