大白岩测区位于个旧矿田卡房矿区东部。该区找矿预测目标为产于印支期变火山岩内及其附近围岩中的似层状铜矿体和锡铜多金属矿体。根据测区内隐伏矿体埋深大和基岩出露好的特点,制定了构造地球化学—遥感蚀变信息—大地电磁测深多元信息找矿策略。测区地表发育Cu、Sn、As、Pb、Zn、Sb元素构造地球化学异常,结合多元统计分析,厘定隐伏铜矿的构造地球化学找矿标志为Cu-As元素组合异常及因子得分Y(i,3)异常,隐伏锡铜多金属矿的构造地球化学找矿标志为Sn-As-Sb元素组合异常及因子得分Y(i,1)与Y(i,2)异常;在试验剖面测量和岩石物性参数测试基础上,按200 m×100 m网度完成高频大地电磁测深剖面12条,探测深度1000 m,根据推断的变火山岩空间位置及低阻异常中心的分布,在剖面上圈定了找矿有利部位。结合地质及遥感铁化蚀变异常信息,圈定找矿靶位3处。其中,a1靶区经钻探工程首先验证,平均品位达到0.593%,已达到工业要求。
Dabaiyan survey area is located in the east of Kafang mining area in Gejiu orefield. Predicted prospecting targets within the survey area are the stratoid copper orebodies and Sn-Cu polymetal orebodies hosted in Indosinian metavolcanics and wall rocks nearby. With the characteristic of deeply bury of orebody and widely exposed outcrop, the prospecting strategy has been made on the basis of multi-information consisted of tectonic-geochemistry, remote sensing alteration information and magnetotelluric sounding. The tectonic-geochemical anomalies of Cu,Sn and As were found in surface of survey area, combined with multivariate statistical analysis, Cu-As association anomalies and factor score anomalies of Y (i, 5) were determined as clues for hidden Cu ore bodies, while Sn-As-Sb association anomalies and factor score anomalies of Y (i, 1) and Y (i, 2) were determined as clues for hidden Sn-Cu polymetal ore bodies. On the basis of experimental section measurements and the test about physical characteristics of rock, 12 plane sections for magnetotelluric sounding were finished at the depth of about 1000 m with the grid of 200 m×100 m. The favourable ore-forming positions were delineated on the sections in accordance with the deductive position of metavolcanics and the distribution of the centre of low-resistance anomalies.Three prospecting targets were delineated based on the information of geology and remote sensing alteration. Among them, a1 has been proved by drilling. The average grade was Cu 0.593%, as much as the industrial grade required.
Mineral Exploration
tectonic-geochemistry, magnetotelluric sounding, iron alteration from remote sensing, prospecting prediction, Dabaiyan survey area, Gejiu orefield