

An Analysis of Alice's Helplessness in Being Misread
摘要 《另两个》是伊迪丝·华顿最优秀短篇之一。短篇中爱丽丝在文本内外均被误读。文本内,尽管爱丽丝并未改变,但在只懂男权话语和金融话语的丈夫的"误读"下,她的形象却经历了由美丽的"天使"到可鄙的"破鞋"这一转变过程,备受侮辱;文本外,丈夫的不可靠视角被部分评论家"合法化",因此,她遭遇了被冠以"无情"、"肤浅"、"工于心计"的"戏子"的悲惨命运。爱丽丝在文学作品中的边缘地位体现了当时女性"他者"地位和身份缺失这一生存状况。依据接受理论的"接受屏幕"和"期待视野"分析爱丽丝被评论界进一步误读的原因,认为这一定程度上是男权思想层层积淀和内化的体现。 The Other Two is one of the best short stories by Edith Wharton. The female protagonist Alice in the story has been misread in and out of the text. In the text,in spite of the fact that Alice has never changed,she is terribly humiliated under the "misreading"of her husband,who can only speak the language of patriarchy and Wall Street,her image is transformed from a beautiful "Angel"to a contemptible "worn-out shoe".Out of the text,the husband's unreliable and limited point of view has been approved of by some critics. They misread her as an actress,a "heartless","shallow"woman intent on deceiving her husband. Alice's marginal status in literature is a good illustration of the living conditions of the women then as"the Other"and their loss of identity. The thesis will apply the concepts of"barrier"and"horizon of expectations"to analyze Alice's being misread by some critics,holding that,to certain degree,it's the embodiment of the accumulation and internalization of men's patriarchy idea.
作者 蓝云春 李卓
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期45-48,78,共5页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Social Sciences
基金 浙江省社科联研究课题(2014B001) 杭州电子科技大学人文社会科学研究基金项目(KYH115615012)
关键词 伊迪丝·华顿 《另两个》 爱丽丝·韦森 误读 Edith Wharton The Other Two Alice Waythorn misreading
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