
考虑约束爆炸后产物发生化学反应的约束空间内准静态温度计算 被引量:6

Calculation of the quasi-static temperature of confined explosions in consideration of the effect of the chemical reactions with detonation products
摘要 考虑爆炸产物发生化学反应产生的影响,对约束爆炸后约束空间内准静态温度的计算进行了研究。以能量守恒定律为基础,考虑爆炸产物的化学反应动力学过程,推导得到约束空间准静态温度的计算公式和方法,使用C++语言编写了计算程序,并对TNT炸药约束爆炸的情况进行了计算。计算结果表明,对于约束爆炸,爆炸产物发生的化学反应对约束空间内温度的变化有明显影响,且不同的药量体积比条件下,准静态温度的变化趋势不同。研究结果可为更准确的计算约束爆炸后的准静态温度及其他爆炸参数提供有效的方法。 By focusing our concern on the effect of chemical reactions with detonation products, we have done research on the calculation of the quasi-static temperature of confined explosion. On the basis of the energy conservation, considering the chemical kinetic reaction process of the detonation products, the formula and calculating method of quasi-static temperature were proposed. A computation program was designed using C+ + language, which was used to calculate the quasi-static temperature of the TNT confined explosion. Calculation results show that chemical reactions of the detonation products play a very important role in the calculation of the quasi-static temperature in confined explosions, and obviously the temperature varies with the charge volume ratios. Ours is an efficient technique to obtain a more accurate quasi-static temperature and calculate some other parameters of confined explosions.
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期777-784,共8页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(91330205)
关键词 爆炸力学 准静态温度 约束爆炸 TNT炸药 化学反应动力学 药量体积比 mechanics of explosion quasi-static temperature confined explosion TNT explosive charge chemical reaction kinetics charge volume ratio
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