
运动相关皮质电位在运动康复领域的应用 被引量:5

Application of Movement-Related Cortical Potentials in the Field of Motor Rehabilitation
摘要 大脑在想象或执行身体运动时产生的运动相关皮质电位(MRCPs)因富含大量运动信息、有较严格的锁时和锁相特征而有利于揭示人体运动神经机制、指导运动康复训练以及疗效评价,故受到运动康复领域研究人员的关注.尤其近年随着基于脑电(EEG)的脑-机接口(BCI)技术在康复领域应用的快速发展,利用MRCPs提取大脑运动信息特征逐渐成为运动康复型BCI的研究热点.本文介绍了MRCPs信号的3个时段分量特点及与之对应的皮质激活区,并从运动意图检测、运动参数识别、运动神经机制探索和康复训练效果评价4个方面综述了将MRCPs信号检测和特征解码用于运动康复领域的研究现状,总结归纳了存在问题并分析了未来MRCPs在康复医学中应用的可行性.笔者认为融合MRCPs与其他运动特征信息用于指导运动康复训练实践应是未来运动康复领域发展的主要趋势. Movement-related cortical potentials ( MRCPs ) are generated in brain during the process of motor imagery and motor execution.Containing lots of motor information, the feature of relatively strict time-lock and phase-lock, they are of great benefit to revealing neural mechanisms of movement, to guid-ing movement rehabilitation and to evaluation, so they are greatly concerned by researchers in the field of motor rehabilitation.In particular, with the rapid development of brain-computer interface( BCI) technol-ogy based on electroencephalograph( EEG) in the area of rehabilitation, researchers show a strong inter-est in extracting information from characteristics of MRCPs and applying it into the type of rehabilitation of BCI.This review introduces three components of MRCPs and corresponding cortex activated region, be-sides, we review the state of detection and recoding of MRCPs from four aspects in motor rehabilitation:detection of movement intention, identification of motor parameters, exploration of neural mechanisms of movement and evaluation in rehabilitation.What's more, we summarized problem and analysized the fea-sibility of application of MRCPs in rehabilitation.It will become a trend that combining MRCPs with other motion characteristics for guiding rehabilitation in the future.
出处 《纳米技术与精密工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期425-433,共9页 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81222021 31271062 61172008 81171423 51007063) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2012BAI34B02) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-10-0618)
关键词 运动相关皮质电位 运动意图 运动康复 想象运动 脑-机接口 movement-related cortical potentials movement intention motor rehabilitation motor image-ry brain-computer interface
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