
作为“社会梦想”的乌托邦文学——以美国乌托邦文学为例 被引量:1

Utopian Literature as “Social Dreaming”——Exemplified by the Utopian Literature in the United States
摘要 乌托邦文学的本质是"社会梦想",是政治与文学血亲关系的典型体现。美国乌托邦文学起步相对较晚,经历了19世纪末乌托邦文学的第一次繁荣和20世纪后半叶的再度勃发,其中女性主义乌托邦、生态乌托邦以及伊托邦等亚文类也应运而生。作为"社会梦想"的乌托邦文学积极"介入"社会政治生活,催生了许多乌托邦公社或组织。乌托邦文学兼具批判社会现实的解构精神和设想理想社会的建构力量,体现了文学对社会政治生活的强大"介入"作用。 Utopian literature in essence is a form of "social dreaming," typifying the kinship between literature and politics. The utopian literature in the United States, despite its relatively short history, witnesses the first wave of growth in the late 19th century and revival in the second half of the 20th century. Together with the births of various sub-genres, such as feminist utopias, ecotopias and etopias, many utopian communes or organizations were established, which exemplifies how utopian literature interacts with the society and politics. This paper starts with an investigation of the development of the utopian thoughtsand literature,and then explores the motives behind the flourishing ofutopias in the United States. It concludes that as a form of social dreaming, utopian literature embodies both deconstructive and reconstructive powerand typifies literature' s strong commitment to the society.
作者 曾桂娥
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期62-72,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(15AWW005) 上海市社科规划项目(2015BWY001)
关键词 社会梦想 美国乌托邦文学 “介入文学” social dreaming utopian Literature literary commitment
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