
俄罗斯海洋战略嬗变及其对地缘政治的影响探析——基于新旧两版《俄联邦海洋学说》的对比 被引量:8

Study on the Evolution of Russia's Maritime Strategy and Its Geopolitical Influence——Based on the Comparison of the Old and New Version of the Marine Doctrine of the Russian Federation
摘要 俄罗斯的海洋地位和海上力量已今非昔比,但作为昔日的全球性海上强国,俄罗斯依旧拥有重新崛起为海洋强国的巨大潜力。2015年最新颁布的《俄联邦海洋学说》规划了俄罗斯在新时期的海洋战略和任务。本文分析了俄罗斯重新修订海洋学说的背景,对比了新旧两版《俄联邦海洋学说》的内容。本文认为,随着力量对比和地缘政治格局的变化,俄罗斯海洋战略也发生了根本性变化,由维护国家安全和恢复国内经济转为维护战略空间安全和服务国家发展战略,并致力于谋求地缘政治博弈的优势和海洋强国地位的回归。同时,俄罗斯海洋战略的嬗变不仅事关俄罗斯国家的兴衰,而且对中国和世界将产生深远影响,不仅直接影响中国周边安全和"一带一路"倡议的推进,而且对中国未来海洋战略的发展和实施具有重要的借鉴意义。 The marine status and naval forces of Russia have changed,but as a global maritime power of the past,Russia still has huge potential for re-emergence as a maritime power.The latest Marine Doctrine of the Russian Federation issued in 2015 made plans about Russia's maritime strategy and tasks in the new era.This paper analyses the background of Russia's revision of the marine doctrine,and makes comparison between the contents of the old and the new edition.This paper argues that with the change of power and geopolitics,Russia's marine strategy has also undergone fundamental changes,from the maintenance of na-tional security and domestic economic recovery into the maintenance of strategic space security and services in national development strategies,and also strives for the favorable position in geopolitical game and the return as a marine power.Meanwhile,the evolution of Russia's ocean strategy is not only a matter of the rise and fall of the country,but also will have a profound impact on China and the world.It directly affects China's peripheral security and the promotion of “the Belt and Road Initiative”,and can also provide refer-ence to the development and implementation of China's future maritime strategy.
机构地区 国防科技大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期20-30,共11页 Pacific Journal
基金 2014年度国家社科基金军事学项目"俄罗斯远东军事安全问题研究"(14J003-224)的阶段性成果
关键词 《俄联邦海洋学说》 海洋战略 嬗变 大国博弈 Marine Doctrine of the Russian Federation maritime strategy evolution superpower games
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