Objective To investigate the clinical distribution characteristics of infection of Helicobacter pylori (H. py- lori) strains of cavitating toxin gene and its subtype in Luoyang and find out the predominant genotype of VacA and discuss its relationship with gastrointestinal diseases. Methods Five hundred and forty-six patients whose result for 14C urea breath test were positive, and whose gastroscopy and pathological diagnosis were chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, duodenal bulb inflammation, the stomach cancer, gastric polyps, reflux esophagitis and so on (male 294 cases, female 252 cases, the age range was from 10 to 79 years old) were collected, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to de- tect VacA. The VacA subtypes from the positive VacA test results included VacA-Sla, VacA-Slb, VacA-S2, VacA-M1, VacA-M2 were detected. Results In the 546 cases of H. pylori infection in Luoyang, the total positive rate of VacA was 48.35% , and the positive rate of VacA in downtown was 40.00% , while the total positive rate of VacA outside the city was 50.70%. There was no significant difference among them. The positive rates of vacA subtype Sla, Slb, $2, M1, M2 were 76.52% , 20.45% , 0.76% , 21.97% , 72.24% , respectively. $2 was rare. The positive rates of VacA gene subtype chimeras Sla/M1, Sla/M2, Slb/M1, Slb/M2 were 12.88% , 47.73% , 3.79% , 12.88% , respectively. And the $2 chimeras was not found. Six cases in S area and 10 cases in M area were nontypeable. There was no significant difference among the distributions of vacA subtypes and subtype of chimeras in different gastrointestinal diseases. Conclusion The positive rate in Luoyang of the infection of H. pylori strains of cavitating toxin genes is 48.35% , and the predominant geno- type is Sla/M2. There is no significant difference among the distributions of VacA subtypes and subtype of chimeras in different gastrointestinal diseases.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology