固态倍频器是太赫兹源应用中的关键器件,如何利用非线性器件提高太赫兹倍频器件的效率是设计太赫兹固态电路的关键。本文介绍了利用肖特基二极管非线性特性设计固态太赫兹二倍频器的2种方法,即采用直接阻抗匹配和传输模式匹配设计了2种不同拓扑结构的170 GHz二倍频器,针对设计的结构模型,分别进行三维有限元电磁仿真和非线性谐波平衡仿真。仿真结果表明,在17 d Bm输入功率的驱动下,倍频器在160 GHz^180 GHz输出频率范围内,倍频效率在15%左右,输出功率大于7 m W。最后对2种方法设计的倍频器结构进行了简单对比和分析,为今后太赫兹倍频研究和设计提供仿真方法。
Solid-state doubler is the crucial component in terahertz source application. How to make use of nonlinear devices to improve the conversion efficiency of terahertz doubler is the key to design terahertz solid-state circuits. Two design methods of solid-state terahertz doubler are introduced and two different topology structures of 170 GHz doubler are designed. The direct matching method and the transmission mode matching are employed respectively in the two different 170 GHz doubler topologies. Based on the two structure models, 3D finite element simulation and nonlinear harmonic balance simulation are carried out. Simulation results indicate that the conversion efficiency of the doubler is above 15% and the output power is up to 7 m W within 160 GHz-180 GHz output frequency when driven by 17 d Bm input power. Simple comparison and analysis are made between the two doubler structures designed by two different matching methods, which lays foundation for the future terahertz doubler design and research.
Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
Schottky barrier diodes