目的:探讨自发性高血压大鼠(Spontaneously hypertensive rats,SHR)肠系膜淋巴微循环并对其特点进行分析。方法:以Wistar大鼠为对照组,SHR为实验组,分别取10只雄性8周龄Wistar大鼠和8周龄SHR(SHR8W)大鼠,麻醉、固定并暴露肠系膜后,在微循环活体显微镜下观察肠系膜微静脉及微淋巴管,并利用Vas-Track自动跟踪测量系统对视频进行定量检测,比较分析自发性高血压大鼠肠系膜白细胞流变学、舒缩速度、舒缩幅度、舒缩时长比等参数的变化。结果:SHR肠系膜白细胞滚动速度明显增加,炎症反应集中体现在30-40μm的微静脉上,与同周龄的Wistar大鼠相比,SHR肠系膜微淋巴管自律运动的相对振幅显著性降低(31.70%±11.70%vs 43.30%±12.40%,P<0.05),舒张期的幅度、时长、传播速度分别受到显著性抑制(30.00±16.00μm,13.90±5.30μm/s,2.67±1.30 s versus 46.00±14.00μm,16.70±7.70μm/s,3.24±1.60 s,P<0.001,P<0.05,P<0.001),收缩期的幅度、时长分别下降至34.00±17.0μm、1.04±0.48 s,而与对照组相比,SHR收缩期传播速度代偿性增高(34.60±14.05μm/s vs 32.00±11.30μm/s,P<0.05)。结论:SHR肠系膜微淋巴管自律运动出现功能障碍;SHR肠系膜不同管径级别微静脉的分布是呈现不同的特点。
Objective: To investigate the mesenteric microcirculation changes especially for microlymphatic vessel vasomotion and microvascular leukocyte rolling in SHR. Methods: The experiments were performed on 8 weeks-aged male Wistar rats as control group and age-matched spontaneously hypertension rats (SHR) as experimental group. The dynamic courses of contraction and relaxation of peripheral lymphatics and micro-vascular leukocyte rolling were continuously visualized and recorded respectively by intravital video recording system. The changes of these parameters like relative amplitude, frequency were measured and analyzed with our newly developed image professional technique-VasTrack. Results: A dramatical acceleration in leukocyte rolling of SHR8W with microvasculature in diameter 30-40 μm was detected. The amplitude of mesenteric microlymphamotion was significantly attenuated to 31.70% ± 11.70% in SHR8w, compared with that of 43.30% ±12.40% in Wistar rat. During the dilatation period, the amplitude, spreading speed and time interval ofmicrolymphatic vessel in SHR8w were 30.00 ± 16.00 μm, 13.90 ± 5.30 μm/s and 2.67± 1.30 s respectively compared with 46.00 ± 14.00 μm, 16.70 ± 7.7 0 μm/s and 3.24 ± 1.60 s in Wistar rat with significant decreasing. During the contracting phase, the amplitude, spreading speed and time interval of microlymphatics in SHR8w were respectively declined with statistical significance(34.00 ±17.00 μm, 34.60 ±14.05 μm/s, 1.04 ±0.48 s versus 48.00± 14.00 μm, 32.00 ±11.30 μm/s, 1.58 ± 0.33 s, P〈0.001, P 〈0.05, P 〈0.001). Conclusion: SHR8w showed dysfunction of micro-lymphamotion, and depressive diastolic and contractive activity. Leukocytes rolling velocity varies in different diameters microvasculature, illustrating the varying degree of inflammation in different microvascular bed.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine