
金枪鱼渔业中人工集鱼装置生态影响研究进展 被引量:8

Review of the ecological impact of fish aggregation devices on tuna fisheries
摘要 金枪鱼人工集鱼装置(Fish Aggregation Devices,FADs)分为漂流式和锚泊式两种,人工集鱼装置可以吸引热带金枪鱼类和其他中上层鱼类,在全球范围内支持了数千艘渔船的捕捞作业,大幅提高了捕捞效率和渔获量。但大规模投放的人工集鱼装置被认为会对金枪鱼种群和中上层生态系统造成潜在的生态影响:可能会对金枪鱼的集群、摄食、健康、生长、洄游、死亡等生活史活动产生负面影响,从而导致种质衰退;另一方面,兼捕多种硬骨鱼类、鲨鱼、蝠鲼、海龟等非目标鱼种也可能扰动大洋中上层生态系统的平衡。但是,对于人工集鱼装置生态影响的评估在不同类型不同海域的研究结果中存在矛盾并无法确定。本文梳理归纳了过去30年中人工集鱼装置生态影响评估的相关研究进展,在此基础上展望了今后研究的改进方向,以期为人工集鱼装置生态影响的研究和管理提供参考。 Fish aggregating devices(FADs) are anchored and drifting objects deployed in the ocean to gather tropical tuna and other pelagic fish species. These devices support thousands of fishing vessels worldwide. These floating objects increase catch and catchability of tunas, but large-scale use of FADs raises the possibility of a potential negative effect on tuna stocks and the pelagic ecosystem:(1) possible deleterious alterations in the normal life history of tunas associated with FADs, i.e., schooling, feeding, fitness, growth, migration, natural mortality, etc., which would result in loss of genetic quality;(2) other ecological effects associated with FAD fishing that perturb the balance in the pelagic ecosystem by increasing by-catch of non-target species, such as miscellaneous bony fish, sharks, rays, and sea turtles. However, the ecological impact of FADs assessed in different areas using several different approaches is controversial. This review summarizes studies on the ecological impact of FADs over the past 30 years, introduces the latest developments by domestic fisheries scientists and industry, and discusses directions for future research. We aimed to provide a better understanding for future studies and potential FAD management options.
出处 《中国水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1289-1298,共10页 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(SS2012AA092302) 国家自然科学基金项目(41506151) 上海海洋大学科技发展专项基金资助项目(A2020914200060) 上海海洋大学大洋渔业资源可持续开发重点实验室开放基金项目(A02091505033)
关键词 金枪鱼 漂流人工集鱼装置 锚泊人工集鱼装置 兼捕渔获物 生态影响 捕捞效率 渔获量 tropical tunas drifting fish aggregation devices anchored fish aggregation devices by-catch ecological impact CPUE catchability
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