
草原畜牧业产业链国内外研究综述 被引量:3

A review of domestic and international research on the industry chain of grassland animal husbandry
摘要 草原畜牧业产业链建设对提升畜牧业整体发展实力和促进牧民增收具有重要的作用,但其相关研究成果却少见报道。文章通过对畜牧业产业链国内外相关研究现状和取得成果的综述,梳理草原畜牧业产业链研究的不足,理清草原畜牧业产业链研究亟待解决的问题,以期为未来我国草原畜牧业产业链方面的研究提供方向。 The industry chain of grassland animal husbandry has an important role in enhancing the strength of overall development of animal husbandry and promoting herdsmen to increase income. However, its relevant research results are rarely reported. This paper hackles the lack of research on the industry chain of grassland animal husbandry, and sorts out the urgent problems to be solved based on a summary of the relevant research status and the achieving results at home and abroad in this field, with a view to providing some directions in the future research on the aspect of the industry chain of grassland animal husbandry in China.
作者 葛鹏飞 吕萍
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期139-142,共4页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71363033)
关键词 草原畜牧业 产业链 建构 优化 研究现状 取得成果 grassland animal husbandry industry chain construction optimization research status achieving results
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