利用巴楚国家基本气象站1961—2010年的大风及沙尘天气日数资料,采用线性变化趋势方法,分析巴楚县大风、沙尘天气的时空分布特征,沙尘天气的变化特点及趋势,并初步探讨沙尘天气日数变化的气候原因。分析结果表明,该地区出现的沙尘天气主要以浮尘为主,扬沙次之,大风和沙尘暴最少。沙尘的出现时间具有明显的季节性和年际变化,每年的3—10月是沙尘天气的多发时段;近50 a来大风和沙尘天气日数明显减少。沙尘天气与当地大风有密切关系,偏西北大风能引起沙尘天气发生的概率最大。
In this paper, the space-time distribution of gale and sand-dust weather, the changing characteristics and trends of sand-dust weather in Bachu were analyzed using linear trend method based on the data of gale and sand-dust weather days from Bachu weather station from 1961 to 2010, and the climatic reasons of daily variation of sand-dust weather were preliminarily studied. Main results are as follows. The sand-dust weather in this region mainly was float-dust, followed by raising sand andgale, and sand-dust storm was at least. The sand-dust weather in Bachu had the significant seasonal and annual changes. they appeared mostly from March to October, but in recent 50 years the days of gale and sand-dust reduced significantly. The sand-dust weather was closely related to the local gale and precipitation. There was the largest probability that when the northwest wind appeared there must be the sand-dust. The relationship between the sandstorm days and precipitation was also negative related and the sand-dust weather was less than normal when the year with more precipitation.
Desert and Oasis Meteorology
Bachu county
gale days
sand-dust days
changing trend