1982年,澳大利亚医生Barry.J.Marchall和J.Robin Warren分离出胃里有幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori),研究了这种微生物在胃里的重要作用,发现感染H.pylori的人除了罹患消化性溃疡、慢性胃炎的风险较高,而且还可能引发一种最常见的胃癌。于是,就开始用抗生素根除这种细菌。然而,他们发现随着H.pylori的消失,胃溃疡和胃癌的发生率也在下降。虽然几乎所有发展中国家的成年人都携带有这种细菌,但在发达国家其流行率却降低了许多,同时酸反流病和食管癌却有剧增的现象。许多证据显示,这些疾病的上升与H.pylori的消失有关。研究还发现,由于担心癌变的发生,在部分特定人格的人群中发生了情绪障碍,抑郁和焦虑。这种细菌可能会保护人体免于食道疾病。因此目前根应该重新评估除胃部H.pylori的现代抗生素疗法,以免其伤害大于效益。
In 1982,Australian doctors Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren isolated the Helicobacter Pylori( H. pylori) and investigated the role of H. pylori in the stomach. It was discovered that people carrying the organisms had an increased risk of developing peptic ulcers or chronic gastritis( CG) and that H. pylori could also trigger the onset of the most common form of stomach cancer. Thus,it began to eradicate H. pylori with antibiotics. Afterwards,it was discovered that incidence of peptic ulcers and gastric cancer was decreased with H. pylori disappearance and the bacteria are losing their foothold in human digestive tract. Nearly all adults in the developing countries still carry the organism,but its prevalence is much lower in developed countries. However,at the same time,the disease of acid reflux disease and a particularly deadly type of esophageal cancer have increased dramatically. There are broad and sufficient evidences indicating that the rise of these illnesses is related to disappearance of H. pylori. The studies also found that some populations with specific personality produce the mood disorders,anxiety and depression due to fear of cancer. H. pylori may actually protect people from disease of the esophagus. Therefore,it should be reevaluated for current antibiotics therapy of gastric helicobacter pylori eradication in order to avoid that its harm is greater than the benefits.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
Gastric cancer
Esophageal cancer
Mood disorder
Iatrogenic stress
Psychosomatic disease