

The Overall Gini Coefficient Including City and Country's evaluation and analysis
摘要 随着我国经济不断的增长,国内生产总值已位居世界第二,但是我国居民的收入差距却在不断扩大。国家统计局公布的数据显示,我国基尼系数从2003年的0.479到2014年的0.469,一直处在高位徘徊,并超过了国际公认的警戒线。表明我国居民的收入差距问题依然十分严峻。由于国家统计局每年只发布城镇和农村个人收入的分组数据,所以本文通过计算我国城乡合在一起时基尼系数的下限值,来估算我国城乡混合的基尼系数,并与国家统计局公布的数据对比发现,其估算结果是合理且有效的,最后提出了相应的政策建议。 with the continuous economic growth in China, the gross national product GDP has the second largest in the world, but our country residents' income gap is widening. The national bureau of statistics released data shows that China's gini coefficient from 0.479 in 2003 to 0.469 in 2014, has been high, and more than the internationally recognized warning line.Shows that the income gap of residents in our country is still very grim. Due to the national bureau of statistics released a year of urban and rural income grouped data, so in this paper, through calculating the urban and rural areas in China together the gini coefficient of lower limit, to estimate the gini coefficient of hybrid between urban and rural areas in our country, and compared with the national bureau of statistics data released by the discovery, the estimate result is reasonable and effective, and finally puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations.
作者 钱一超
机构地区 宁波大学商学院
出处 《特区经济》 2015年第10期56-58,共3页 Special Zone Economy
关键词 基尼系数 城乡收入差距 混合总体 下限 the gini coefficient the income gap be-tween urban and rural areas mixed overall limit
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