【目的】MUC13、FUT1基因分别为大肠埃希菌引起的断奶前和断奶后仔猪腹泻的主效基因,通过探索2个基因在不同种猪群中的分子标记辅助选择方法,提高种猪抗病性的选育效率.【方法】利用PCR-SNa Pshot和PCRRFLP的方法分别检测影响断奶前仔猪腹泻的MUC13基因及断奶后仔猪腹泻的FUT1基因在温氏集团2个专门化父系群体(666头杜洛克和512头皮特兰)中的基因分布情况.【结果和结论】MUC13基因频率在2个群体中表现出明显的群体特异性,有利等位基因频率分别为0.890和0.180,而FUT1基因则相差不大,分别为0.754和0.677.MUC13与FUT1基因的有利等位基因型组合个体比例在2个群体中差异较大,在杜洛克群体中达36.75%,而在皮特兰群体中仅为3.49%.通过基因型与选育性状表型的相关分析,发现优势基因型对皮特兰群体的体型外貌负面影响较大,但却不影响杜洛克群体.综合现场育种实践,建议杜洛克群体先实现MUC13基因的辅助选育纯化,再启动FUT1基因的选育工作.皮特兰群体有利等位基因型组合个体比例太低,暂时不宜进行抗腹泻基因纯化选育.
【Objective】MUC13 and FUT1 genes are associated with susceptibility/ resistance to ETEC diarrhea in pre-weaning and weaning piglets, respectively. The goal of this study was to improve breeding of diarrhea resistance in different swine populations through development of MAS technology on the two genes.【Method】In the study, PCR-SNaPshot and PCR-RFLP assay were used for animals genotyping from two swine populations(666 Duroc and 512 Pietrain pigs)for the 2 specialized variants. 【Result and conclusion】The results showed that the favorable allele frequency (FAF) of MUC13 gene was 0.890 and 0.180 in Duroc and Pietrain respectively while the FAF of FUT1 gene was 0.754 and 0.677 respectively. Animals with a favorable allele combination of MUC13 and FUT1 genes were different in Duroc with a frequency of 36.75% and Pietrain with 3.49%. The correlation between genotype and phenotype was analyzed, and the results showed that the gene effect on traits was different in the two populations. For example, there were significantly negative correlations between genotype and somatotype in Pietrain, but no association was found in Duroc. According to the breeding practice, it is recommended to achieve purification of MUC13 gene first, and then follow FUT1 gene in Duroc. It is not suitable for marker-assisted selection of two genes in Pietrain temporarily because the ratio of animals with a favorable allele combination of MUC13 and FUT1 gene is too low.
Journal of South China Agricultural University